Off to work with Papa!


A couple weeks ago Todd decided to take Ryan to work with him. Ryan had been there before, but with me. This was a special day for father and son to hang out together and bond.

As Ryan was getting ready to leave, he decided to pack up his backpack with anything he might need. Happily he ran around the house packing some library books, his pencil box with crayons, and some coloring books. He couldn’t wait to head off to work with Papa and help him out at the office.

Handsome fellow.

Ryan and Papa.

You know, being a mom is funny sometimes. You spend 24/7 with your kid and can’t wait to have some alone time. Then when it happens, you get sad. It’s always hard for me to see Ryan drive off – waving crazily until he’s out of my sight!

Once they made it to work, Todd put Ryan to work. Ryan couldn’t wait to shred the papers!

After some hard work, they decided to take a little lunch break!

And here’s one last photo of my two favorite men!

These are special memories that Ryan and Todd will forever remember!

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Tagged as: Family & Life, Motherhood, Ryan

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